Publish your piece / Publica tu pieza

Guidelines Overview (para español, procede debajo)

If you are interested in publishing with The Cultura Media, you can publish any of the following; an article for the print or digital magazine, an illustration, a graphic, an infographic, a political cartoon, or an artistic and educational video.

Our focus is based on scientific facts, are written by either experts in their field, personal experiences supported by empirical evidence, critical race or feminist theory, or experiences influenced by any of the categories from below, and must offer a call to action. All content is aimed to educate, empower, and inspire the Latino and minority communities. Articles that act as a resources to Latinos and communities of color or fulfill our mission (promote sustainability) in the following topics will be considered:


-Health and Wellness

-Financial Literacy and Employment

-Legal Rights and Civic Power

Fiction and Poetry

Given the high volume of fiction and poetry pieces we receive, we limit these submissions to one per print issue. If you’d like to increase your chances of publishing your fiction piece, we recommend submitting your piece for digital distribution. We feature fiction and poetry more regularly in our digital platforms.

Author Guidelines

You are welcome to submit your article in Spanish or English. One of the things we do best is translate English articles to the Spanish Language and ensure that all content is vetted through rigorous editorial quality metrics. We seek and prioritize content that is highly engaging, culturally sensitive, and culturally aware.

We receive a large number of applications to feature. When it comes to articles, we prioritize experts in their field who can speak to the issue they cover. All our content is fact and evidence-based including but not limited to subjects in the professional service fields, Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM fields. We take fact-checking very seriously and verify all claims and statistics. Articles that are properly cited and disclose their sources will be prioritized.

We also prioritize personal stories, essays, and pieces meant to create awareness around a social issue. Our goal is to change the mainstream stories told about minorities in the United States and our mission is to change these negative stereotypes and narratives. Editorial articles, specifically, can be informed by narratives, anecdotes, and personal stories and can use hard data and references to support these narratives.

Only pieces that are culturally sensitive and culturally aware will be considered.

Always Have a Call to Action

If you want to reference a previously published article from our magazine, check out the revista articles.

  1. – Article needs to have a clear call to action. We want to deliver information that can be implemented immediately to everyday life. What do you want the readers to do as soon as they close the magazine after reading your article? Think of this question as a guideline to draft your call to action.
  1. – We want to hit three points; that the content is 1) easily applicable, 2) entertaining and informative and, 3) simple and easy to understand. The best way to hit these three points is if you imagine having a conversation with the reader directly, like a friend or a family member, and you’re educating them while inviting them to act on your advice.
  1. – Feel free to be casual, conversational, and creative. Rely on your knowledge and your expertise while you write.
  1. – Article should be between 500 -1,200 words long.
  1. – The article should be written as simply as possible. We won’t accept elaborate language. A good piece of writing will always be simple, to the point, and entertaining.

Guia general de entrega

Publicacion de articulo

– Articulos pueden ser en ingles o español.

-Articulos deben ser entre 500-1200 palabras.

-Tener un llamado de atencion (a call to action), como “que hacer cuando…” o presentar una serie de tips que impulsen accion. ¿Cuando el lector termine de leer el articulo, que es lo primero que puede hacer con tu articulo? (Articulos que no tengan un llamado de accion no seran considerados).

-La informacion es facil de entender.

-Se pueden entregar infografias en ves de articulos para explicar conceptos complejos (de minimo 1500 x1,000 px y en formato PNG).

-Si tu pieza es seleccionada, nos comunicaremos contigo para hacer cualquier revision.

-Al entregar tu pieza, estas de acuerdo a todas las revisiones y modificaciones que hagamos.

-Los articulos son sometidos a un proceso rigorozo de evaluacion donde se revisara la calidad de cada articulo.

Would you like us to reach you for advertising opportunities to promote your initiative from above?/ ¿Te gustaria ser contactado para oportunidades de anunciar algo que quieras promover?(required)

What category will this piece be in?/ ¿En que categoria pertenecera tu pieza de trabajo? (required)

What kind of piece are you submitting?/ ¿Que tipo de pieza estas entregando? (required)

Where would you like your piece to be distributed? / ¿Donde quieres que sea distribuida tu pieza de trabajo?(required)

The Cultura Media does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

The Cultura Media is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.